Elevate Your Home Cuisine
Many habits changed for all of us last year and some will continue into the future. Sales of The Nicer Slicer increased as more people found themselves cooking at home. Some people discovered the pleasures of making bread. Others started looking for ways to expand their menus with new cooking techniques.
This post explores ways to organize your kitchen for efficiency and offers tips on elevating your cooking habits and streamlining meal preparation.
24 Things to Make Your Kitchen More Efficient includes reviews of products with prices and where to buy them.

How to Organize Your Kitchen for Maximum Efficiency discusses five distinct stations:
food storage
non food storage

Elevating your home cooking could mean trying new ingredients or recipes or tweaking your go to favorites. I'm a big fan of digital recipe apps. I use Paprika but there are others. Here is a comparison of 9 Best Online Recipe Organizers.

Most of these synch across your devices, which is handy if you are grocery shopping and need to look up ingredients for a recipe. I love the convenience of being able to search by name or category, download new recipes and add notes to recipes about what to change the next time I make it.
Over the past two years, I have replaced 3 large binders that took up about a foot of counter space. I also edited my cookbooks from 3 shelves to a half shelf. I learned to cook from "The Joy of Cooking" when I got my first apartment. The book has been continuously in print since 1936 and has sold over 18 million copies.

My mother was an excellent cook, but it didn't rub off on me growing up. She gave me a paperback version of it, which I wore out and now I'm on my second hardback copy. I still refer to it for certain recipes.
Another useful skill to improve your cooking results is the concept of "Mis En Place," a French term for having ingredients in place before you start cooking.

You might want to start collecting small "pinch bowls" to measure ingredients into and make sure that you have what you need. This habit has made both my husband and me better cooks. So listen to you "inner chef" and see where your culinary adventures take you!
Please comment below and let us know how you are incorporating The Nicer Slicer into your newly organized and efficient kitchen!
"Too few people understand a really good sandwich." James Beard
I like that there is a name for setting out ingredients in advance. Mis en place. I started using pinch bowls and mixing bowls to set out ingredients as well a few years ago and i find there is sort of a calming, aesthetic appeal to the prep portion of cooking, and handily helps cut the mess as well